Friday 2024-07-26

04:00 Saheb El Maqam
02:00 The Ghost
22:00 Auntie Faransa
20:00 Freezer Mission
18:00 Open Your Eyes
16:00 Al raii wa al nesaa
14:00 Rayya and Sekina
12:00 Keef El Haal
10:00 Mohema Saba Gedan
08:00 Story of a Lifetime
06:00 No Surrender

Saturday 2024-07-27

00:00 Mohema Saba Gedan
08:00 Rayya and Sekina
22:00 Mind Your Own Business
20:00 The Blue Elephant 2
18:00 The Nightingale of Dokki
16:00 Announcement to the Public
14:00 Mafesh Faeda
12:00 Freezer Mission
10:00 Al raii wa al nesaa
06:00 Open Your Eyes
04:00 Keef El Haal
02:00 Story of a Lifetime

Sunday 2024-07-28

00:00 Al raii wa al nesaa
22:00 Crisis of Honor
20:00 Tamasih Elnil
18:00 The Diesel
16:00 A Mission in Tel Aviv
14:00 Booha
10:00 Announcement to the Public
08:00 Mafesh Faeda
06:00 The Nightingale of Dokki
04:00 Freezer Mission
02:00 Rayya and Sekina
12:00 The Blue Elephant 2

Monday 2024-07-29

00:00 Announcement to the Public
14:00 The First Love
22:00 Mr. Abu Al Araby Arrived
20:00 Qarmat in Trouble
18:00 Sandok Al Donya
16:00 The Garage
12:00 Tamasih Elnil
10:00 A Mission in Tel Aviv
08:00 Booha
06:00 The Diesel
04:00 The Blue Elephant 2
02:00 Mafesh Faeda

Tuesday 2024-07-30

00:00 A Mission in Tel Aviv
06:00 Sandok Al Donya
22:00 The Wedding
20:00 Scarecrow
18:00 Lembi 8 Giga
16:00 The Black Tiger
14:00 Lakhmet Ras
12:00 Qarmat in Trouble
10:00 The Garage
08:00 The First Love
04:00 Tamasih Elnil
02:00 Booha

Wednesday 2024-07-31

00:00 The Garage
02:00 The First Love
04:00 Qarmat in Trouble
06:00 Lembi 8 Giga
08:00 Lakhmet Ras
10:00 The Black Tiger
12:00 Scarecrow
14:00 Return Point
16:00 Bride of the Nile
18:00 Bani Adam
20:00 Saeat Reda
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