Egyptian actress Hana El Zahed is set to star in the upcoming Ramadan series "Al Gawaz Sameqat" ("Marriage is a Killer Poison"),which is directed by Yasmin Ahmed Kamel and produced by Media Hub and Mohammed Al Saadi. The series is only 15 episodes long and is El Zahed's second appearance in a Ramadan series this year, after "Gouda." In "Al Gawaz Sameqat," El Zahed plays a pharmacist with psychological issues in dealing with men who is accused of killing her husband and ends up in prison. Actor Mohamed El Sharnouby plays her son in the series. The director, Ahmed Samir Farag, recently finished post-production on "Iqamat Jaberiah" ("Forced Residence"),which is another Ramadan series that El Zahed stars in. The series, which is made up of 10 episodes, follows social and psychological issues.
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