The shooting of the film "Banat El-Basha" has been postponed due to the sudden withdrawal of actor Sherif Salama from the movie. Salama's role in the film was a major one, causing producers to scramble to recast the role before filming could begin. The movie stars several prominent actresses in Egypt, including Zeina, Sabreen, Nahed El-Sebaie, and Mariam Al-Khosht, among others. It is based on a novel by Nora Nagy, with a screenplay by Mohamed Hesham Abia and directed by Mando El-Adl. The story is set in a women's beauty salon and explores various themes such as oppression, sickness and death, love, and betrayal. This is the second time this year that Salama has dropped out of a project, having previously withdrawn from the film "Asad Aswad."
His Excellency the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Entertainment Authority, Cou... Read More