Egyptian actor Mustafa Shaban is set to star in the upcoming Ramadan drama series "Hakeem Pasha" alongside actress Sahar El-Sayegh. The show, which is still in the planning stages, will be written by Mohamed El-Shawaf. El-Sayegh previously starred opposite Shaban in the 2024 Ramadan series "Al-Moalem" (The Teacher). The 30-episode show explored the struggles of the fish market through the character of a fisherman played by Shaban, and saw El-Sayegh play the role of his wife, a pharmacist. El-Sayegh also had a guest role in the 2021 Ramadan series "Al-Maddah", alongside Hamada Helal. Shaban has not appeared in a film since the release of "Al-Watar" in 2010, choosing instead to focus on television dramas like "Al-Moalem". He is reportedly working on a new film project but has not yet revealed any details.
His Excellency the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Entertainment Authority, Cou... Read More