Mohamed Ramadan, a popular Egyptian actor, paid tribute to four deceased Egyptian producers via Facebook. The four producers, Hossam Shoukry, Fathy Ismail, Mahmoud Kamal and Tamer Fathy, were reportedly killed in a car accident on July 25th near Al-Dabaa in the Matrouh Governorate. Tamer Fathy was the only one to survive the accident, but suffered serious injuries. The funeral of one of the deceased, Tamer Fathy, was held on Friday and attended by many famous actors and directors, including Ahmed El Sakka, Ahmed El Saadany, Mohamed Salam, Ahmed Fahmy, Samia Toufik and Ayten Amer. The other three funerals will take place on August 4th at the Sheikh Zayed Police Mosque in Cairo after sunset prayers.
His Excellency the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Entertainment Authority, Cou... Read More