Assala announces quitting smoking.
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Assala announces quitting smoking.

Syrian singer Assala Nasri has become a top trend in Arabic social media after announcing that she has quit smoking and is urging those around her not to give her cigarettes even if she asks for them. Assala revealed that she decided to quit smoking a few days before her birthday and gifted herself the decision to stop smoking. She added: “In truth, cigarettes have been bothering me lately to the extent that I have to carry medicine and a spray to clean my throat and I started worrying a lot. Three days before my birthday I decided to quit smoking, and I hope I can keep it up. If the devil plays with my mind and I ask someone for a cigarette, I hope he will not give it to me, because my life has changed, my sleep has changed, and my voice has changed". The singer said that she hopes her loved ones will not provide her with cigarettes if she asks for them and that she has suffered because of cigarettes.

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