Egyptian actress Hana El Zahed has announced her participation in the upcoming Ramadan television series "Al-Zawaj Sam Qatel" (The Killer Venom Marriage),ending a three-year hiatus from TV dramas. The series, which reunites the actress with her "Higher Viewership" director Yasmin Ahmed Kamel, will consist of 30 episodes and will feature surprises, according to El Zahed. The cast has not yet been selected. El Zahed explained her recent absence from Ramadan dramas, stating that in recent years she had preferred to work on cinema projects, including "Seeb Waana Asiib" (I'll Leave and I'll Live),"Helwa El-Donya Saker" (Sweet World Cup),and "Ana Wa Heya" (Me and Her). However, she felt that it was time to get involved in a Ramadan work again. In addition to her upcoming series, El Zahed recently finished shooting her new film "Re-Start" with fellow actor Tamer Hosny. The film is directed by Sarah Wafik. In another interview, El Zahed noted that her recent work veers toward drama and crime, and in doing so she hopes to surprise viewers who have associated her solely with comedic projects.