Actor Ben Affleck has reportedly started moving his belongings out of the Beverly Hills mansion he shares with Jennifer Lopez, amid rumours of a split between the Hollywood power couple. Reports suggest that the two were attempting to quietly phase out the ownership of the home they bought together after their June 2021 rekindling, but Affleck's decision to vacate his belongings is being interpreted as a sign of the extent to which their partnership has crumbled. The couple were last seen attending a high school graduation party for Affleck's daughter, Violet, in May 2022 in what was their first public appearance in months. In previous years, celebrity couples such as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have split their estates amiably, but more recent break-ups like Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's have seen assets fought over publicly in court proceedings. Affleck and Lopez's publicists have not commented on the rumours of the split.