Saudi entertainment chief Turki Al Sheikh expressed his excitement at convincing Lebanese star Nancy Ajram to act for the first time in her career. He wished that her new film would bring back memories of greats like Shadia, Abdel Halim, Farid Al-Atrash, and Sabah but with a contemporary spirit. Al Sheikh also announced a surprise collaboration between the world-renowned designer Elie Saab and Nancy Ajram. The film, which is expected to be a musical extravaganza, is produced by the Saudi entertainment authority's Big Time Fund in collaboration with several private companies. Nancy Ajram has been preparing for new music, including a collaboration with Egyptian composer Mohamed Rahim. Mohamed Rahim shared on Instagram pictures of himself and Ajram in the studio, and captioned it: "Don't say anything, but try to feel the magic and beauty. Singing reached the sky; it was a great day with artist Nancy Ajram. Stay tuned."