Actor Mohamed Emam reassured fans about the health of his father, the legendary actor Adel Imam, during his attendance at the wedding of the daughter of the artist Ala'a Mursi at the Police Mosque in Fifth Settlement. Adel Imam celebrated his 84th birthday on May 17th and has been a prominent figure in the entertainment industry since 1962. He began his career in the theater and has went on to act in 11 plays as well as numerous movies and TV shows. He is known for his role in "The Bodyguard", which broke records as the first Arabic play to be shown for 11 consecutive years. He has also starred in TV shows such as "The Dreams of the Flying Boy" and "Tears in a Bold Cheek". Adel Imam's health concerns have been on the minds of many people in the Arab world, but his son assured the public that he is in good health.