Egyptian film "El-Meks Gang" is set to feature guest appearances from various stars, including Ahmed El-Sakka. The film, directed by Hossam Soliman, follows a group of individuals on a journey through Egypt's provinces. El-Sakka joins fellow guest stars Ahmed Fahmy, Lobna Abdel Aziz, Alaa Morsy, and Mai Selim. This marks the third time that El-Sakka and Fahmy have appeared together, following their work on "Samir, Shaheer and Baheer" back in 2010. El-Sakka's scene in "El-Meks Gang" was shot in the desert of Fayoum, the second province visited by the characters after Alexandria. Directed by Soliman, the film is produced by the Actors Guild and Legasy Production for Artistic Production. Rami Ali and Amjad El-Sharqawi wrote the screenplay.