Egyptian actress Hana Al Zahid has unfollowed her ex-husband, actor Ahmed Fahmy, on Instagram, after four months of their official divorce. The couple announced their separation in November 2020 after a four-year marriage, but they had kept their social media accounts intact. Al Zahid deleted personal photos of the two, but kept those from their joint artistic projects. The couple’s split had been amicable, with both of them speaking respectfully about each other in their respective interviews. Fahmy still follows Al Zahid on Instagram and has kept photos of their time together in both personal and joint projects. The couple met while taking part in the Ramadan series “El-Wad Sayed El-Shahat”, and later worked on “Jawaz Meyafarta” and “Mister X”. Al Zahid is currently starring in the film “Moments of Delightful Separation” alongside Hesham Maged, Mohamed Tharwat, Bayoumi Fouad, and Jean Ramzi, with a script by Sherif Naguib and George Ezzat, directed by Ahmed El-Gendy and produced by Ahmed El-Sabki. Fahmy’s upcoming project is the movie “El Maks Gang”, which is waiting to be released during Eid Al-Adha 2024, written by Amjad El-Sharqawi and Ramy Ali, directed by Hossam Soliman in his directorial debut, and starring Ruby, Ous Os, Lobna Abdel Aziz, Hatem Salah, Ahmed Fahim, and Mostafa Bassiouny.