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"Shabab Al Bomb 12 Episode 20: Expenses and Loans"

The 20th episode of the popular Saudi TV series, Shabab Al-Bomb 12, focused on financial mismanagement and overspending on non-essential items, and the consequences that follow. The episode showcased the story of a family who spent money on unnecessary items, including renovations of the home, only to be hit with unforeseen expenses such as a leaking roof. The mother in the series even suggested taking out a high-interest loan to pay for decorations. The episode highlighted the importance of prioritizing essential expenses and managing money wisely. The series regularly generates conversation on social media, with live discussions about each episode. The announcement of a Shabab Al-Bomb movie has also excited fans, set to be released on the second day of Eid al-Fitr 2024. The movie is expected to be different from the TV series but will still feature comedic moments and heartfelt scenes. The movie, titled The Luck Dhab Time, is directed by Yule Caise and written by Ahmad Al-Zahrani and Abdullah Al-Walidi. It stars Faisal Al-Eissa and the rest of the TV series cast, including Abdulaziz Al-Fraih, Sulaiman Al-Maghetib, Mohammed Al-Jumaili, and others. Overall, the episode served as a reminder to viewers about the importance of managing finances and prioritizing essential expenses.

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