Episode 16 of the series "Nathra Hob" was broadcasted on Rotana Khalijia channel, starring Bassel Khayyat and Carmen Bsaibes. In this episode, Bassel Khayyat's character, Bahar, continues to hide in Wurda's home. Meanwhile, Hurdan, played by Saeed Sarhan, murders a man in his own home whom he does not know. Nabil, played by Michel Hourani, is at Zaina's home when Jalal Hayek, Qamar's father, suddenly shows up. He calmly speaks with Zaina and tells her there is infidelity in the family, asking her to tell him who Nabil is cheating on Qamar with. Zaina reveals that her mother had a relationship with Jalal and told her that he is her father, but he did not confirm it to Zaina. Qamar's father forbids her from leaving the house or using social media, causing her to run away and hide from her father who starts searching for her. The episode ends with Qamar and Bahar meeting at Hurdan and Wurda's wedding, where Qamar asks him to help her find a way out of her situation. "Nathra Hob" is a 30-episode drama that combines suspense and romance, written by Raffi Wahbe and directed by Hossam Ali. It is the first drama to bring together Bassel Khayyat and Carmen Bsaibes in starring roles. The filming for the series is set to begin in Lebanon in early December.