The latest episode of the Arabic drama series "Tel Al-Raheb," starring actor Mohamed Riad, was aired on Rotana Drama channel. In episode 16, Abbas learns that his son killed his wife Safaa to cover up any evidence that would lead the police to him. Nader, Safaa's brother, discovers the son's hiding place and hides the evidence to remember his sister's conversation. Abbas tries to keep his son hidden from the police and denies that the building guard saw him coming home. Meanwhile, Rafaat's wife warns him against her mother's husband and advises him to avoid talking to him when he visits the factory. The show aims to shed light on a specific number of people who suffer from phobias and how they can be dealt with. The series features other actors, including Aiten Amer, Emad Rashad, Tarek Abdel Aziz, Sabry Abdel Menem, and others. The series is directed by Adel Al Asar and written by Tarek Barkat.