The 15th episode of the TV series "100 Ragel" aired after the events of the 14th episode, which saw Ghalya asking Saqr to kill Mohran. Saqr kidnaps Mohran and Ghalya begs him to spare his life, but Saqr hands her a gun and asks her to shoot him. Ghalya cannot bring herself to do it, so Saqr orders his men to bury Mohran alive. Meanwhile, Alam calls his brother's wife Suzy to check on her, but she cannot reveal her location. Abdullah tells Suzy to record all of Alam's phone calls. Ghalya dreams that Mohran is trying to kill her, but she wakes up and saves him before asking him to leave and never come back. "100 Ragel" is written by Mahmoud Hamdan and directed by Ibrahim Nasr. It stars Somaya El Khashab, Salah Abdullah, Samaa Ibrahim, Mahmoud Abdel Moghni, Mohamed El Qess, and Hala Fakher.