The eighth episode of the TV show "Til Alrahmab", starring Mohamed Rayad and Eiten Amer, started with the kidnapping of Gharebawi by Neshat. In the episode, Hala, Neshat's wife, went out with her cousin Mazen, who lied to her about his mother being sick. Hala later discovers that Mazen was trying to convince her to divorce Neshat and marry him. Meanwhile, someone calls Habiba and informs her that they know about her past and the treasure, and that she killed Abdul Azim along with Neshat and their friends. Habiba denies any knowledge and realizes that the caller has the wrong number. Neshat hides the file containing incriminating evidence against his friends and the treasure in a locked room in his house, only to be surprised by Hala, who questions him about his long presence in the room. He confesses that it is the room he always used to sit in when he was little. Later, Jemalat, the wife of Shabana, sits with her neighbor when Gharebawi suddenly appears.