Love at a Glance Episode 6: Police Chase Across the Sea
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Love at a Glance Episode 6: Police Chase Across the Sea

The sixth episode of the TV series "Nathra Hob" starring Bassel Khayyat and Carmen Bsaibes featured dramatic events including a police chase after the main character, Baher, who escapes their grasp by fleeing to a mosque. Meanwhile, Nabil, played by Michel Hourani, asks his fiancée Qamar, who is bedridden in the hospital, to make a public appearance to reassure the people. However, she is hesitant, feeling embarrassed about her sickly state. In another scene, neighborhood youth create a fake problem to distract the police while Baher flees. During the investigation of the incident, Baher's friend Mansour implicates him with a false statement, causing Baher to discover that Yasra, one of his acquaintances, has accused him of running a brothel in her home, causing him to hide out at her place. The series airs daily during Ramadan at 1 pm Saudi time and is written by Raffi Wahbe and directed by Hossam Ali.

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