Actor Fayez Bin Jarees has shared the poster of his upcoming comedy drama series with his followers. The show, set to air during Ramadan, will premiere on the Rotana Khalijia channel. It will follow the daily lives of Tariq and Nouf, who experience several everyday situations and seek to face them. Directed by Mahmoud Duwaima and written by Ahmed Sorour, the show stars Bin Jarees, Aida Al-Khasheh, Sanaa Bakr Younis, Janaat Rahbani, Shuaib Mohammed Al-Ateibi and Rana Al-Shafie. Bin Jarees is known for his performances in TV series such as "Rashash" and "Minho Waladna" and most recently his work on the second season of "Dakat Al-Abed." He also won the "Favourite New Face for TV Shows" award at the 2022 Entertainment Industry Awards for his work in "Rashash."