Amr Adib ends feud with Mohamed Ramadan through mediation by Turki Al-Sheikh: Accepted his apology.
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Amr Adib ends feud with Mohamed Ramadan through mediation by Turki Al-Sheikh: Accepted his apology.

Egyptian journalist Amr Adib announced the end of his dispute with artist Mohamed Ramadan through the intervention of Turki Al-Sheikh, the head of the General Authority for Entertainment in Saudi Arabia. The conflict began when Ramadan posted a video of himself throwing money into a swimming pool in a promotional video for one of his songs, which Adib criticized, saying it provoked the Egyptian people. Ramadan responded by publishing a video from a TV series, adding Adib's voice stating "We thought that he was Moses, but he turned into Pharaoh," to which Ramadan replied, "But, Daddy." Adib subsequently filed four complaints against Ramadan with the Public Prosecutor, accusing him of insults, defamation, social media misuse, and slander. The complaints were referred to the criminal court for investigation.

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