On the first anniversary of George al rassi' s death, a mass was held in his honor. The article provides a comprehensive story of his passing.
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On the first anniversary of George al rassi' s death, a mass was held in his honor. The article provides a comprehensive story of his passing.

On 27 August, the first anniversary of the death of Lebanese artist George Al Rasi, a mass was held at the Saints Sergio and Bachoos Church in Mansourieh Jbeil, Lebanon, where his son participated. Although the invitation was open to all lovers of the deceased George Al Rasi from the family and relatives, the attendance was limited to George's siblings, Sandrine and Sebastian, alone, with the absence of Nadine Al Rasi and their parents. George Al Rasi, born on 29 January 1980, died last year on the same day, at the age of 42, due to a severe car accident. He was in his car with his girlfriend when their vehicle hit the pavement on the Manifacture road, completely smashing their car. Videos and pictures of the accident circulated on social media, showing George Al Rasi's and his friend's identification cards. George's girlfriend's last breath was also taken after the horrific accident. One week before his death, George Al Rasi posted a promotion for his last gig through his official Instagram account, before dying after a music performance in a Lebanese night club. Joelle Hatem, George's ex-wife, expressed her shock over her former husband's death through Instagram story, writing "I am trembling, can't respond please, Jesus, help me." George had appeared in photographs just hours before his death with fellow singer Firas Tabba, where he delivered a message to his fans: "Love each other, life is not worth it otherwise."

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