Disney's use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the opening credits of its new Marvel superhero series, "Secret Invasion," has caused anxiety and anger among some in Hollywood. The abstract sequence for the show, which stars Samuel L Jackson and is about shape-shifting aliens, was created by a combination of AI and human illustrators to provide a sense of "foreboding." Some in the entertainment industry are fearful of AI taking over jobs of those involved in scriptwriting, design and acting. The revelation came amid strikes by movie and TV writers who want studios to rule out allowing AI to replace human scribes, designers and actors. The Writers Guild of America's proposals include binding agreements to regulate the use of AI so that scripts written by AI cannot be considered "literary" or "source" material and that members' scripts cannot be used to train AI. According to the WGA, studios rejected the proposal but instead offered to meet once a year to "discuss advancements in technology."