Saad Hendawy

Saad Hendawy

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Sa’ad Hendawy began his career directing short films which included 1993’s “al-Bukaa” (“Sobbing”),1994’s “Zeyara fee al-Khareef” (“A Visit in Autumn”) and “Fuqa’at” (“Bubbles”)...Read more which was released that same year. Thereafter Hendawy worked as an assistant director on the 1995 television drama “al-Wahm wa al-Silah” (“The Illusion and the Arms”) before returning to directing shorts. In 1996 Hendawy directed the short narrative film “Yawm al-Ahad al-‘Aady” (“A Normal Sunday”) which was followed by “al-Mashhad al-Akhir” (“The Final Scene”) and “Ayyam al-‘Araby fee Paris” (“An Arab’s Days in Paris”). Hendawy’s first cinematic work was “Hallat Houb” (“Amorous Circumstances”). That title was followed by “Alwan al-Samaa al-Sab’a” (“Seven Colours of Heaven”) which starred Leyla ‘Elwy and 2007’s “al-Saffah” (“The Murderer”) which starred Hany Salama. Hendawy graduate from the directing department at the Higher Institute for Cinema in 1994 and received the institute’s directing diploma in 1996.