El Said Radi

El Said Radi

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Metwally Radi, known simply as “Mr. Radi,” is an Egyptian theatre actor and director. He graduated from the Acting Department at the Institute of Theatrical Arts and best known for...Read more his comedy roles. Mr. Radi worked in theatre for television and was part of the National Theatre and the Comedy Theatre troupes. He later served as head of the Theatre Board for several years and also as head of the Art Syndicates Union for multiple terms. His plays include “ِEl Maftesh El Am” (The Inspector General),“Gulfdan Hanim,” “El Princessa” (The Princess) and “Mamnua El Dahak” (Laughter is Forbidden). He also founded his own troupe and directed several plays including, “El Dunya Mazzika” (The World is Music) and “Zawag Mister Salaama” (Mr. Salaama’s Marriage).