Azza Kamal
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Azza Kamal is an Egyptian actress. She was born in 1952. She rose to fame during the 1970s, through a number of films including “Wa Mada Qitar Alomr” (And The Train of Life...Read more Passed),“Indama Yasqut Algasad” (When the Body Falls) and “Ghaba men Alsiqan” (A Jungle of Legs). Her appearance started fading gradually afterwards.
Wamadaa qitar aleumr
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Bayoumi works at Al Basha mansion with his wife and two sons. Al Basha has a playboy son named Mohsen who commits a murder and asks his father to find someone to take the fall instead of him. He negotiates with Bayoumi to go to prison instead of Mohsen in exchange for money . Bayoumi agrees and events escalate.